The girl is on the move!

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The girl is on the move!

Postby Clancelt on Wed Feb 20, 2008 11:00 am

Ok, last week was a big deal for Caitriona. She earned her first stripe in Karate. She got that for technique, she knows her basic blocks, jab, and front snap kick. All she needed to learn to advance to her next belt (the big big deal) was to memorize the student creed, which she went home and did that night. It's like a paragraph worth of stuff, I can't even remember (well, I'm old). So yesterday in class she walked up to her instructor and said "I know my student creed" and he kind of chuckled like he thought she was kidding. So he told her to go ahead and tell him, at which point she rattled it off without missing a beat.

At the end of the class he called her up front and gave her the invitation for her first belt promotion! So the Saturday she gets to go through her first promotion ceremony. She is really excited. She grinned from ear to ear all last night. Plus her first colored belt is purple, her favorite color. So she is fired up about that too.

Makes a dad proud. Give her about 10 more years and she'll be bringing this drive to the games... watch out ladies!

Oh yeah, pictures of the gym coming soon. It's done, but my wife dropped the camera last week and it did not stand up to the impact very well.
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Re: The girl is on the move!

Postby Steph Riley on Wed Feb 20, 2008 12:04 pm

Eric, haven't I been telling you for years now that Caitriona is a genius? I believe this is just the beginning for your girl. Be prepared for her to excel at whatever she does. And she's cute, to boot!
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Re: The girl is on the move!

Postby Clancelt on Wed Feb 20, 2008 12:22 pm

Thanks Steph, pretty sure the brains and the cute all come from mom. All I had to offer was lifting heavy things :(
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Re: The girl is on the move!

Postby Tim on Wed Feb 20, 2008 1:24 pm

If you haven't already, you'll find that you are constantly underestimationg her ablitlities. I always did with mine.

She'll need a little brother to start picking on soon. ;)
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Re: The girl is on the move!

Postby Mrs. T-Bone on Wed Feb 20, 2008 2:35 pm

And Besides...kickin' butt is a skill that always comes in handy ;) Especially when she gets to be a teenager. She can take care of business before she tells Daddy.
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Re: The girl is on the move!

Postby Rich McClain on Wed Feb 20, 2008 7:11 pm

Kids are like sponges, they absorb everything and when you squeeze them, only the bad stuff comes out. Sooooo... watch what you say around them because they will remember it and blurt it out at the worst time. :oops: :lol:

Kids are the greatest thing until they hit the seventh grade and become smarter than you are just like mine did. UGH! Does anyone want a couple of teenage girls to drive you up the wall? j/k I love my girls!

Eric, sounds like Caitriona is doing real well. It must be genetics!
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Re: The girl is on the move!

Postby Clan SlyPorkers on Wed Feb 20, 2008 8:44 pm

Watch out for flyin crane kicks now. She'll be tearing up the place.
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