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Mike Melia, I owe you the beverage of your choice!

PostPosted: Tue May 06, 2008 6:25 pm
by John Shingler
I implemented your wfd advice today with the 28#.
-I am still sore from Saturday.
-My 42's attaching ring broke so I threw 12 throws with the 56 (I haven't touched a 56 in two years)
-then I remembered what you said on Saturday, after my first couple of 28 throws.

All I can say is it worked! After about five throws the increase in torque just about ripped the callouses off my hand. I either have to get thicker skin or go back to gloves. The differences were striking. Not 2 or three feet striking but very striking.

Now, if I can just remember this when it counts!

I owe you. Thanks!

Re: Mike Melia, I owe you the beverage of your choice!

PostPosted: Fri May 09, 2008 10:08 am
by mike melia
John, you've got pm.