VMC Training thru 4 April

Training information, scheduling practice sessions, etc.

VMC Training thru 4 April

Postby Sheaf daddy on Mon Mar 22, 2010 8:21 am

well fellahs I thought it would be good to start a 2 week schedule to be updated as we watch the weather.

First let me thank BStymax for coming out. It was great to see him and he is looking strong. All of us were a bit tight except for MacDickens. His weights and stone were looking nice after a loooooong winter. Frank is a Beast. Mike Melia is working through a few nagging inuries it looks like.

Here is what I would like to set up to be a flexible as possible for everyone.

Rule #1 - there is no fight club
Rule #2 - see rule #1
Rule #3 - the equipment will be in our garage just inside the big door - feel free to use it and put it back.
Rule #4 - Sheaves are on the shelves just inside the garage - PLEASE do not throw when it is wet and put away when done so they do not get wet. We have 2 fresh bags as of 2 weeks ago. I think they should last until July.
Rule #5 - Anybody is welcome to use the equipment anytime. Just let us know when you are coming so we don't shoot you. :|

Schedule - I have seen that Mike Melia is planning on Tuesdays and Thursdays and Frank H is looking at Wednesdays during the week. Everylone is looking at Saturday. Times during the week are generally 5:30pm and on Saturday at 10PM. If you arrive early go ahead and get the equipment out and start warming up - or sit on the porch if you want. We are early people generally (like 7AM) but sometimes we are not ready to deal with visitors before 9:30PM

MY Schedule - I started work at a new company back in October 2008 and my job responsibilities can require me to suddenly stay late or get some work done at home. However my goal is to get out and practice at least one day during the week and every Saturday even when I have proposals to do.

Next Week is springbreak for the kids so I am taking most of the week off. I may get to practice most of the week.
My work email is bmcclain@drc.com if you have any questions. I definately need to be more a part of the games than last year if for nothing else than my own sanity!
Trish: Colin go get your bike and put it away!

Colin: Okay but someone is going to swoop down, stop, take a picture and sell it on the internet.
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Sheaf daddy
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Re: VMC Training thru 4 April

Postby FrankH on Mon Mar 22, 2010 9:33 am

Nice to see 6 VMC'ers at practice on Saturday!

After what seems to be minor injuries to my back and throwing arm, I rested up for the rest of the weekend except for a 4-mile walk on Sunday. Feeling a little perkier. Lee and I will be flying down to Florida for Dunedin on Friday afternoon, so this will be a short practice week for me. Depending on the weather, I'm planning to come out on either Tuesday or Wednesday this week, then rest until Dunedin.

Good to see everyone; I hope it's a great year for throwing for all.

P.S. Thanks for the sammiches, Bryan S!
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