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lunch break bad news

PostPosted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 11:34 pm
by randy
holy crap.

brought my hammer and 56 to the weight room in the high school where i work. left them in a dark corner in the cardio room so no one would bother them.

someone bothered them. went down today...gone. i crapped a kitten. checkin with coaches, custodians, students, etc.

i must have ticked off Thor.

anyfreakinway, new semester, new schedule, so i don't have a cushion of time right after lunch. i'll have to adjust my eating schedule so i can continue my hugeness schedule.

sleepless in seattle,

Re: lunch break bad news

PostPosted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 7:13 am
by Sheaf daddy
WTF - someone stole a 56? That takes too much effort man. Keep us in the loop. Maybe in the interim checkout Sprout's patented temp weight or what Mooseman did with chain. He clipped a crap load of chains and looped them together to make an adjustable weight. And due to the disbursement he can throw it in a parking lot! no dings, dents or scratches. I was thinking of you when I saw it because given the proclivity to have snow that would be a great option. I really want him to come to the Vierra Clinic so he can show it for you guys to do winter training. My brother Rich, Shingler, Raab, the Northern WV boys and so on could really use this.

He did the same thing with a hammer. Shortened the stick and attached some lengths of chain. it isn't exact BUT same results because of the way the chains disburse upon impact. It is beeeeyoootiful man! Then again I was half in the bag on new years when he showed us. :mrgreen:

Re: lunch break bad news ... situation normal!!

PostPosted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 10:07 am
by randy
found 'em!!!

this morning, a coach showed me a bunch of supply closets to snoop through, and bingo! a custodian must have said wtf is this stuff? and then lugged a 56 and a 22hammer away to a closet ("wtf" is right, B). thank Thor it's safe.


1. gonna take off some plates to make a 16 hammer and finally heed the general training advice and practice for speed with the LH.

2. i thought the chain weights are bloody brilliant!! might make some for fun. adjustable weight, no dings or divots! wow!

Monster Malutich, you won't have to hunt me down now, since it's your 56!
DPower is keeping mine safe.
soon all will be right.

Re: lunch break bad news

PostPosted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 8:18 pm
by Stephen Malutich
The 56 is with me always....during deadlifts, powercleans, every set of squats and every set of pressess it calls to me....and i....i must answer

good lesson to be learned here can never be to careful with your stuff people will take anything....seriously anything so keep it safe....Keep it hidden