Off season training for motivation and other malarkey!

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Off season training for motivation and other malarkey!

Postby kiltedhitman.4 on Mon Nov 14, 2011 11:17 pm

First day back in the gym, after taking some time off for rest and for my gym to repair the ceiling which was falling apart! They added new machines (which I refused to try, purely on principle) and the new layout does seem to be more functional, even if it is excessively crowded with crap! Today consisted of two workouts, my morning workout was derailed ( horrible term for a railroad man to use!!) by a old friend from high school and a 62 year old braggadocious wind bag that has seemingly been everywhere and done everything. :roll: I also forgot that I was on a schedule to assist my local government in debt relief, by attending court for a expired inspection. So, here is what I got in:

1) Multiple stretching movements- Big boy has to get loose! Even though I know they are helpful and I can tell a HUGE difference if I don't do them....I still hate them!!
2) Clean and Press (Strict, no leg drive)
8x135 (wrist wraps)
6x225 (belt)
3) Alternating Bicep Curls
20x10 per arm
50x10 " "
70x10 " "
80x10 " "

Break for shower and play dress up for 4 hours of watching college kids cry, women cry, old men cry and my ticket get dismissed. Back home for a nap and to give time for the after work crowd to thin out. Attempt #2:

1) 10 minutes at 15 degree incline and 3.5 mph on treadmill
2) More stretching to loosen up the hips and low back.
3) ATG Squats
45x10x2 ( didn't feel loose after the first one)
4) Body weight chins ( 310 lbs.) supersetted with T-bar rows.
5 chins and 45x10
5 chins and 90x10
5 chins and 135x10
5 chins and 180x10
5) Caber Curls

Any questions, tips, advice or just total trolling are welcomed/appreciated.
You stay classy, San Diego!
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Re: Off season training for motivation and other malarkey!

Postby TheHammer on Tue Nov 15, 2011 1:46 pm

Can't wait to start my OS training next week, same for me lots of stretching, and then more of the same dynamic lifts.
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Re: Off season training for motivation and other malarkey!

Postby kiltedhitman.4 on Tue Nov 15, 2011 5:49 pm

So, let me start this one off with a little info about myself, for those that may not know me and have questions about why I train on back to back days and odd schedules. My name is Neal Collins, I am 6'1", 310 lbs. I have been competing in the Highland Games for going on 4 years now and have met some great people. I have been working out for 15 years on and off ( educated training and assclownery high school gunshow workouts included!). I work as a Freight Train Conductor for CSX Transportation out of Richmond, VA. I love my job but, being on call 24/7 can be a hassle and it throws a wrench into my workout/ competition/ life plans :evil: ! In turn, I have adapted my training style to my job. Since beginning this adaptation, I have taught my body to adjust to pain in ways that I would of never done when I was a unemployed gym rat! The gym is part of my life, as it is for many of you, and I show up whether I have been at work for 14 hours or it is 3AM and I am expecting to be called on a long haul coal train. Today's workout was good, a lot of drive and motivation this morning!

1) 10 minutes on the Treadmill at 15 degrees and 3.5 mph
2) Stretching with a lot of focus on my quads, hamstrings and lower back. ( Rolling out my Hamstrings was a lesson in self torture!!)
3) Stiff-leg deadlifts
4) Good Mornings (I do these slow and with a pretty wide squat stance)
5) Dumbell Pec Flyes on slight incline followed by press with the dumbells touching ( I really focus on the muscle contraction with these at the bottom of both movements, what I see as a pretty aesthetic exercise :roll: but I like them.
6) Standing Dumbell Rows

This workout took about 45 minutes ( minus the stretching). I felt really good leaving the gym and was soaked with sweat. I also found a new workout song that I put on my iPod last week, but it just got around to playing, Face to the Floor by Chevelle.

Now on to me blabbing for a while. My girlfriend (soon to be fiancee) and I recently found a house together at Smith Mountain Lake and plan on moving her into it on Nov. 30th. I will be moving once my transfer goes through and I put a ring one her finger ( we were both raised in "old school" families). To make a long story short, I went furniture shopping after the gym. I have taken up the responsibility of furnishing the living room due to my size requirements for furniture. Who knew how hard it was to find big comfy furniture that isn't in a fabric that feels like you are sitting on a sand paper covered cheese grater!! If anyone has any tips of places to go, I am open! Well, that does it for today! Thanks for reading my ramblings.

Always look on the bright side of life! (Whistle, whistle, whistle)
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Re: Off season training for motivation and other malarkey!

Postby kiltedhitman.4 on Thu Nov 17, 2011 11:33 pm

Another great workout at the Southside Virginia Family YMCA! I type this with great disdain and sarcasm :roll: . I have had the pleasure of training with some great people at some outstanding Colleges and Universities, privately owned fortresses of strength training and home dungeon gyms that would rival any hidden CIA location for a torture chamber! That being said, the only thing this place helps me with is my resolve and mental toughness. How much more of these track suit wearing women and Under Armour weaklings can I take?!?! :twisted: This "fitness facility" has developed a dangerous mentality in many of its lifters. When approached by someone to offer help, you are met with " I GOT IT!". As you watch on in horror, they "get it" and limp out of the gym, hunched over in pain not to be seen again (Natural Selection at its best :o ). It is hard for me to believe that the YMCA organization harbored some of the strongest men and women from the 1960's to the 80's! This has led me to putting in my earbuds, cranking up the music and focusing on me. Now the staff spreads rumors that I am a self-involved asshole! :shock:
Just getting after day. If the Louie Simmons adage, "You are only as strong as your weakest gym member" is true...I AM SCREWED!!!

1) 10 mins at 15 degrees and 3.5mph
2) Stretching and rolling out my legs (from the stiff leg deads and good mornings)
3) Bench Press with Bands (Haven't done much bench over the past year due to a spinal injury from a car accident and tricep tendinitis, and I am not a huge fan of it)
Barx10x2 (Slow and making sure the form is clicking)
Elitefts Micro Mini x8x2
MM+Average Band x8x2
135+MM+Avg x8x2
225+MM+Avg x6x2
4) Face pulls
5) EZ bar curls ( slow eccentric movement with explosive concentric)
6) Strict bodyweight chins
7) Dumbell skull crushers
8) Plate pinches
45 per hand x 1min x4

Song of the Day: Sevendust- Disease

Quick update: We did some shopping for the new house today. Found a AWESOME sectional sofa at a LazBoy dealer. We both said that we would never get a sectional, WE LIED!! :lol: We both like to cook and we got some cool stuff for the kitchen today. I would be lying if I said I wasn't pretty excited about this move!! As always, thanks for reading and letting me vent. Now I am going to read my union agreement and get some issues with work taken care of.

"In the anals of history people are going to be talking about three things: the discovery of fire, invention of the submarine, and the Flint, Michigan Mega Bowl." -Jackie Moon
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Re: Off season training for motivation and other malarkey!

Postby kiltedhitman.4 on Fri Nov 18, 2011 1:21 pm

Woke up this morning at 7am. Performed my morning stumble to the bathroom and then checked my standing to be called into work. Looks like some time this evening will be the magic time. I then turn on the TV, to hunt down the biased opinions of the major news networks. All I see are the "occupy" protests and the Sanducky/Penn State coverage. I can agree with reforming banks and reducing the influence of major corporations on politics, but damn...these people are camping out in squalor, turning multiple locations around the US, not to mention the World into a cesspool. The encampments are filled with disease and infection. My time in the Army was spent living in various tents either in the rain, snow, or hot sun. At no time did we EVER let our nomadic living arrangements become this filthy and disgusting! When asked, no one knows what they are fighting for. A bunch of entitled followers, no leaders among them. The media reports that (or fails to see the other side) that these are peaceful :roll: protests! The day that I set a car on fire, hold a sign that says "Down with America" as I stomp on the American flag and fling fecal matter at police and claim it to be "peaceful"....I am going to get my ass beat by police and I hope they do a damn good job of it too!!! Just do a search for images of "occupy camps filth". I can go on...but I used this as my motivation in the gym. Simple workout today. Oh yeah, almost forgot....Sandusky is screwed :shock: !!

1) Stretching
2) Farmers Walk
50 lbs each hand x 1 lap around the fitness floor track. (Don't know the length, but it is long enough!)
100 lbs each hand x 1 lap x 2
100 lbs each hand w/wrist straps x 1 lap x 1
3) Outdoor Prowler pushes (Thank you Tim Stallings for this WONDERFUL piece of torture equipment!)
Empty Prowler x 75 ft. x 6 (The 37 degree temp outside really makes your lungs a good way!! :twisted: )
4) Low back hyperextension
Bodyweight x 10 x 2
45 lbs x 10
90 lbs x 10
5) Walked a few laps to let the burning in my lungs calm down.

Song of the Day
Black and Tans- as performed by Craic Wisely

Tomorrow is opening day of firearm season in my area of Virginia. I don't think I will make opening day (first time in a while). My girlfriend is a dedicated hunter and I made sure her weapons were in clean/ functional/ sighted in order so she can fill the freezer for me on the days that I have to work! (I am still the better shot! ;) ) Enjoy your weekend and thanks for reading my brain vomit.

Stole this one from Harry Selkow's workout blog. Thanks Mr. Selkow!

"When it comes time to die, be not like those whose hearts are filled with the fear of death, so when their time comes they weep and pray for a little more time to live their lives over again in a different way. Sing your death song, and die like a hero going home."
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Re: Off season training for motivation and other malarkey!

Postby miked on Fri Nov 18, 2011 10:52 pm

Good stuff, Neal. I will definitely be dropping in to see what you are up to.

I didn't know you were a frickin train conductor. That's bad ass.

Congrats on the upcoming engagement and nuptials. She must be a truly special gal to agree to settle down with a meathead like you. :lol:
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Re: Off season training for motivation and other malarkey!

Postby kiltedhitman.4 on Sun Nov 20, 2011 10:03 pm

Tomorrow is my day off and I am going to spend it finishing up Christmas shopping. So, my training was moved to this evening. The "Y" closes on Sunday at 7pm here. Let me start off by saying, you will not believe the group of people you see at the gym on a Sunday evening. I refer to the staff that is on duty as the "practice squad". This crew of misfits catch all the crap hours that no one else wants and have a knack for being the best staff crew at the Y! My chiropractor was in tonight. He is a 180 lbs soaking wet, but he has never beat me down because of what i do in the gym or at competitions. On the other side of the gym is a former little league baseball coach of mine. He is a cardio-queen and only does leg workouts. (This benefits his physique for the time he spends in a dress and heels, because as of a few years ago, he came out as a active cross dresser. :shock: ) I remember him yelling at his son, who was on my baseball team. He was constantly in a foul mood, which seems to have disappeared since he opened up to the public. The night cleaning staff comes in at 6pm ( After several years of firing every lazy custodian, the Y employs handicapped individuals for cleaning duties. They do a great job, get paid for it, learn a task and develop friendships with guests at the Y.) The Y gets a sizable tax break. One of the workers, Eugene, is a dedicated fan. We talk on the regular and he sits and watches some of my heavy compound movements and is a surprisingly great motivator! There is also Mitch. He works during the day and has cerebral palsy. Honor and Integrity at its unbridled finest with Mitch. Let me explain. We had a arrogant member that enjoyed harassing the women and being overly physical with them while he talked down to them. While no one in management would address the problem, due to his "small town connections", Mitch overheard him talk down to a woman when she was telling him to get lost. Mitch walked up and open hand smacked this guy across the face! The guy was stunned as Mitch yelled at him "WE DON'T TALK TO WOMEN THAT WAY!" The guy filed a complaint and when the membership backed up Mitch...he left. Enough of gym is the Sunday training.
1) Stretching
2) Clean and Press (Love this movement, but suck at it with a regular bar and the Y is too cheap to buy a fat bar!)
3) Pec Dec- EZ Bar Curl- Inclined Pec Fly Superset (all movements in 8 rep count
4) Hanging Leg Raises
5) Weighted chins (Dip belts keep getting stolen. Left mine, it was taken. The Y has had 3 grow legs in as many months So now I use a 3/8" logging chain and some D rings weighs about 8 lbs. MUCH cheaper :D and just as effective!)
Chain x5

Song of the Day: Southbound 35- Pat Green

Ran a "work train" to Newport News to do track repairs on Saturday and a empty coal train back to Richmond today. Finally got approval for my transfer and subsequent training. Let me just say, please be safe at railroad crossings. It is no joke and I can't tell you how many near misses I have a week! Trains are no joke, but people regularly run crossings and we barely miss them. It is especially scary for me when we get close enough that I can see a car seat in the back with a child in it and know there is nothing I can do to stop!
Thanks for the comments Dave and Mike. Feel free to leave tips or any recommendations for new exercises. I am always looking for something new.
Thanks for reading!

"Artillerymen believe the world consist of two types of people; other Artillerymen and targets."
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Re: Off season training for motivation and other malarkey!

Postby kiltedhitman.4 on Mon Nov 21, 2011 10:31 pm

Let me start of by making a correction. Mitch, whom I spoke of in my last post, does not have cerebral palsy. He has Down Syndrome. He would smack the hell out of me if he knew I posted that wrong! Now, on we go to the business of the day. Woke up early, picked up my mom and hit the road. We decided to go to Williamsburg and visit what I refer to as "Outlet Hell". We beat the crowds and were done just as the parking lot began to fill up. It is amazing how Williamsburg is nothing but a tourist trap anymore. We took a detour on the way home to visit that GLORIOUS store, Bass Pro Shops! These stores amaze me every time I step in one. We got back on the road and took the back way home. I was getting tired of being run off the road by crazy early vacationers from the North! (Yep, that's right. Anyone north of Fredericksburg, VA has a 75% chance of being a horrifically bad driver and it is increased to 99.9% if you have any Asian bloodlines! 100% if you claim residence within the New Jersey state lines. :shock: ) Arrived back home, took some BC Powder and took a nap. Got up and felt the urge to go to the gym! (Maybe it was the military channel documentary that I fell asleep listening to. :twisted: ) Laced up the New Balances and went to work.

1) 15 mins at 15 degrees and 3.5 mph.
2) Stretching ( Focus on hips flexors)
3) Box Squats (Just below parallel)
225x3x3 (Wrist wraps to help me support the bar lower on my shoulders)
405x3x2 (Belt)
4) Single hand overhead pulldown
5) Landmine Barbell Twist
6) Landmine one-arm Jammer Press
7) Seated Cable Rows

Song of the Day: Dave Matthews Band- Squirm

Going to do some packing and try to get this mess in order. Have a good night/ day and thanks for reading.

"From now on, you will not eat, sleep, blow your nose or dig in your butts without my say! Killin'is my business, ladies, and business is good!"
- Major Benson Winifred Payne :lol:
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Re: Off season training for motivation and other malarkey!

Postby kiltedhitman.4 on Tue Nov 22, 2011 5:29 pm

I have had some of the best sleep over the past 2 nights. I fall asleep and wake up in the exact same position. It makes a huge difference in my day. It has also assisted the customer service rep for the electric cooperative. She has had me on hold for about 30 mins and I am relatively calm and collected. I have spent the day packing and helping get ready for Thanksgiving. Every time that I pack, I remember why I hate moving! Where I am going is a really nice place and I want to be there, but the act of getting there is obnoxious. But you have to pay a price for certain things in life. I am not really excited about Thanksgiving. My job doesn't stop for ANY holidays :roll: and with my family, as with many get us all in a house for an extended period of time is a lesson in international peace negotiations :shock: ! I am blessed to have a close knit family. But seeing all of them for 12 hours, even my obnoxious drunk uncle, is a little much! So, in preparation, I decided to do some accessory work at the gym. I usually do a strongman event workout on holidays when the gym is closed. (car pulls, log press, carry medleys, etc.) This was a good way to work on some "hard to reach" areas.

1) Stretching
2) Elitefts Average Band standing crunches.
3) Average Band Situps on GHR
4) Cross body cable pulls (I know they aren't called that, but not sure of the name. Leaving arms locked out and only using the obliques in the movement)
5) Good Mornings
6) Tricep Push-down

Song of the Day: No Sugar Tonight/ New Mother Nature- The Guess Who

I am off to try and enjoy the holiday. Thanks for reading and I hope your holiday is filled with family, friends and great memories!! (And a safe trip! ;) )

"I celebrated Thanksgiving in an old-fashioned way. I invited everyone in my neighborhood to my house, we had an enormous feast, and then I killed them and took their land."
- Jon Stewart
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Re: Off season training for motivation and other malarkey!

Postby kiltedhitman.4 on Thu Nov 24, 2011 1:56 pm

HAPPY THANKSGIVING!! :D Just watched kickoff for the Detroit Lions Turkey Day Game. ( Go Aaron Rodgers! That man is the soul reason that I am #1 in my fantasy football league and have a round one bye in the playoffs!!) Watched a little bit of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. Not enough wind to make it interesting :twisted: , so I changed the channel to Hillbilly Hand Fishing (You all know that wind makes that thing more interesting! :shock: ). Before I get to enjoy my Thanksgiving Day Bloat-fest/ Food induced coma :lol: , I decided to get a good strongman event workout in. Not one rep max stuff, but maximal effort. It worked pretty well and cars were slowing down to watch as they passed by. Here it goes....

1) Stretching
2) Log Press (90lbs log)
Log x 10
Log+90 x8
Log+160 x4x3
3) Tree Branch Chins
4) 12 lbs Sledge holds slowly dipping to touch to nose
2 min x 5
5) Car push (low on front bumper)
6 x both ways 50 ft.

Song of the Day: Before I Forget- Slipknot

Not super interesting. But it got the job done. Time to get cleaned up, family coming in and then I am going over to the girlfriends house for her families festivities.

"Ah, the patter of little feet around the house. There's nothing like having a midget for a butler."
-W. C. Fields
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Re: Off season training for motivation and other malarkey!

Postby kiltedhitman.4 on Sun Dec 04, 2011 6:26 pm

It has been a while since my last post. I have had one training session since then and that was the day after Thanksgiving, more on that to come! :roll: I have been moving into and getting everything in the new house into shape. Many tiring days and many nights filled with a deep sleep that only comes when you are completely exhausted!! We are almost completely "On the Lake", as the locals put it. As I was browsing the local paper, I noticed that a new gym has opened up about 5 miles up the road and it is called "Underground Gym". Say goodbye to the "Y" and hello to a chance at a better training experience! Here we go....

Had a ton of motivation, turns out that my motivation was my self-destruction!
1) 15 mins at 3.5 mph and 15 degrees
2) Stretching, Rolling and more stretching
3) Deadlift for 3RM (Not looking for a huge 1RM, Single Reps don't do a damn thing for my ego, strength or muscle mass! I know what my 1RM should be from my 3RM. By far, my favorite lift!! But not on this day)
495x3x2 (Belt on)
550x3x1.5 (Got to my knees on the 2nd rep of the 2nd set and it was moving steady. Tightened my glutes and my belt shifted. When the belt shifted I heard a internal pop echo in my ears over the music :shock: in my headphones. Set the weight down and was immediately filled with a pain that took my breath away.) Oh yeah, as I was bent over in pain, I received a lecture from the management about "We don't have equipment that can take that abuse!" Those were the last words from the Y that pushed me over the edge.

Song of the Day- Hurt (as performed by Johnny Cash) I think it fits!!

No Chiropractors open, so I proceeded to the ER to make sure I didn't break my back. The Doc in the ER checked me over, x-rayed me and sent me on my way with pain meds and anti-inflammatory meds. I took the pain meds one night to sleep and they made me hallucinate so bad....I gave that up!!!! So, went ahead and picked up the moving truck, moved all that I could and then went to my new Chiropractor. If anyone is in the Bedford, VA area, I recommend Tuck Chiropractic. But more specifically Dr. AJ LaBarbera!! The man is a God and I love him in a way that only a man in severe pain love another man whom can alleviate that pain :lol: !! Now I am resting. Ran two trains this weekend and I am back at it on Tuesday of next week. Type to you soon!

"I assess the power of a will by how much resistance, pain, torture it endures and knows how to turn to its advantage."
-Friedrich Nietzsche
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Re: Off season training for motivation and other malarkey!

Postby kiltedhitman.4 on Wed Dec 07, 2011 10:30 am

Got two workouts in since last time. Abusing a 5 day trial membership at a newly opened location :lol: . The first one was just feeling things out and tryig to take it slow from my injury. The gym is nice and the owner insures me that she is expanding in 3 months to get more powerlifting/ strongman equipment. I offered that if she did, I would loan my equipment to a good home (until I get my power rack in a year or so :?: . So, lets get started...

Day 1
1) Stretching
2) 15 mins at 15 degress and 3.5 mph on treadmill
3) Bench press (Dynamic effort with 60-70%)
90x8 (Noticed here that I couldn't get fully tucked into position.)
4) Chins (Surprisingly, had a really good elongating effect while just hanging there.)
5) Standing Cable ab crunches
6)Light EZ Bar curls (My arms feel like crap after no heavy movement for over a week.)

Day 2
1) Stretching
2) Smith Machine Squats (I know what you are thinking! For the next three months, this is going to have to work....even though I feel like a complete goof doing them and cannot hit my for worth a damn!! :shock: )
315x3x3 ( I felt good on the last set, so I cut them off to "Take it slow")
3) Calf Raises
4) Machine Leg Curl/ Leg Extension Alternating (On a side note, they have a Nautilus machine that is the best Leg Curl machine I have ever seen!! Provides perfect knee protection!)
5) Hip Abduction/ Adduction (Have only done these a few times before, my hips feel really relaxed this morning compared to the usual stiffness. May have to make this a regular)
6) 30 mins on recumbent bike maintaining 140 BPM

Song of the Day- Blood to Bleed: by Rise Against

It has been raining here for a few days. We have a creek, which is now a river running into the lake through the back yard! Calling for snow tomorrow. I have missed living in the mountains so much! Gonna find out if the 99 Buick Park Avenue can make the hill!?! :roll: :roll: My dog (a 6 year old Australian Blue Heeler named Kylee) is loving life too. She is Uber relaxed and just taking it all in. Hope everyone has a good day!

"If you are going to wear gloves, make sure you get a matching purse"
-Mark Rippetoe (sums up how I feel after Smith Machine Squats)
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Re: Off season training for motivation and other malarkey!

Postby kiltedhitman.4 on Thu Dec 08, 2011 12:17 am

It finally stopped raining! :D Let me tell you, the stars with no town or city around, are beautiful in the crisp mountain air! Now, on to more manly things. Didn't do much that was beneficial to mankind today. Read articles and watched historic footage on Pearl Harbor. Went to the Bedford welcome center, which is right down from the D-Day Memorial. This place has some real true war stories floating around. At the time, the town of Bedford had 3000 residents. 19 were killed within the first few minutes of landing on the beaches of Normandy and another 3 were KIA in theater. There stories are extremely humbling and to learn more about them on D-Day and those attacked in Pearl Harbor was a sobering experience today.

1) Stretching/ Dynamic "Mike Dickens" dance warm-up
2) Clean and Press (sub maximal, no leg drive)
190x6 (Belt and wrist wraps)
3) Close grip Lat Pulldown
4) Single hand pulldown
100x10x3 each arm
5) Seated Row
6) Dumbell Curls
7) 20 Mins Recumbent Bike 140 HR

Song of the Day: Social Distortion- Hustle and Flow

Another good workout. If things workout, I may be going to workout with my girlfriend on Friday at Planet Fitness. (She is only a member there because it is discounted for the nurses at the hospital and the tanning.) We will see how long I last before the "Lunk Alarm" is sounded! :shock: I don't make much noise when I lift. We will see what kind of crap they come up with!! I also decided today was a good time to start giving back to the community. I was a volunteer firefighter in my hometown since I was 18. My step-father and mother were too. So, after a 3 year hiatus due to lack of stability and time to commit to the is time! It has been a passion of mine for a long time and have been approached and thought of going professional. But I don't want to tarnish something that I love this much with money. Let you know how that process goes when time comes around to be voted on. Thanks for reading and suck it up, you're past hump day!

"No matter how long it may take us to overcome this premeditated invasion, the American people in their righteous might will win through to absolute victory."
-Franklin D. Roosevelt speech to Congress on Dec. 8 1941
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Re: Off season training for motivation and other malarkey!

Postby kiltedhitman.4 on Wed Dec 14, 2011 12:38 pm

The "Planet Weakness" trip never came to fruition :roll: . So, no story to tell there. I am sitting at my dining room table, enjoying the view of the lake on this overcast day. Just a few things to do and then, I am relaxing until I head to the gym tonight. Have spent the last few days on trains, traversing the great Commonwealth of Virginia! (I have a great love for my home state. After living in numerous locations, both stateside and abroad, I still believe Virginia is the only place for me! Texas and Georgia are a close second and third though.) Seeing it by rail gives you a different perspective. One of my subdivision mainlines runs parallel to the James for several hundred miles. The wildlife is crazy on its own, but the scenery is outstanding! Just saying, if you get the chance to go on a scenic train ride, don't pass it up. Especially in Virginia, some of the rails have been in place ( but upgraded :shock: ) since 1825!!

1) Stretching
2) Dumbell Bench Press
3) Plate loaded machine Incline Press (I really like this machine)
4) Seated Machine Press
5) Shoulder Press
6) Chins
7) Plate hub pinches
10x30 secs
25x30 secs
35x30 secs
8) Barbell Overhand Front Lateral Raises
9)Dumbell head Pinches
25x30 secs x4
10) Recumbent Bike
30 mins

Song of the Day: Crave You (Adventure Club Remix)- Flight Facilities (I have been on a Dubstep kick since I watched a video that Mike Dickens had tagged on his YouTube account) :shock: :shock:
The service guy was supposed to come on Monday to work on the plumbing and explain the water filtration/ water softener tank to me. I was on a train at 6am on Monday morning in Newport News. I got taxied back to Richmond and high tailed it to Smith Mountain Lake. Made it in 2 hrs and 45 mins. Google told me it was going to be 3:33 (LIARS :o ) Well, Jerry never showed up! I was pissed to say the least. So yesterday, I drove to the rental office to vent and get the problem fixed. I sat down in the managers chair and was about to start my rant. I was quickly cut off with an apology. Apparently, Jerry had fallen off of a ladder, about 20 feet in the air on Monday morning and was taken to the hospital. He was sedated and unable to call. They were just informed Monday at about 6pm by his wife. The wind was sucked out of my sails. Damn you, Jerry!!! Making me feel like a heartless ass!! So, next time I will call first. Just to make sure the handyman is alive!! Thanks for reading!

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Re: Off season training for motivation and other malarkey!

Postby kiltedhitman.4 on Thu Dec 15, 2011 11:23 pm

Spent a large amount of my time today watching hunting shows, playing with my dog and sleeping. It was a very needed break and I do believe it paid dividends in the gym tonight. Not a lot to report today. Found out one of the kids I was helping with overall "gym ratiness" :D didn't heed any of the injury prevention things that I told him. At age 16, he decided to pull heavy to show off for friends in the gym with only one day of rest in between. His improper form coupled with his 140 lbs. frame and minimal experience in the gym (but listening to every gun show twit that walks in the Y! :roll: ) he didn't listen to his body crying for rest and tore his low back up and possibly tore a hamstring! :shock: He was making great progress, but he would ask questions of every person that curled in the squat rack. I know my workouts are not the best, by any stretch. But I have been doing this for quite some time and stress proper form, stretching and listening to your body. I had this kid focused on form and stretching. Hell, I even let him borrow my copy of Starting Strength! His progress was something that I haven't seen in years! When he got his form down, he was making huge jumps on Max Effort days. I just hope he recovers and isn't afraid of the iron. It just taught him a lesson, lets hope he learns from it!

1) Stretching/ Foam Rolling
2) Full ROM Leg Press (Not sure what the sled ways on this one. I am guessing about 100. Just going to do the weights for now.)
450x8 (May be a little much, but the other guy in the gym got a good laugh when I dropped to the bottom of the movement and I passed gas very loudly! Damn spaghetti! :lol: )
3) Dumbell Bench
110x8x2 (Wrist Wraps)
4) Standing Resistance Band Ab work
Average Band x25x5
5) Pullover
6) Wide Grip Lat Pulldown
7) EZ Bar Curls w/ Fat Grips on bar superset w/ Alt. Dumbell Curls ( A little gun show cool down fun!)
45 bar x20 / 20x10
45x20 / 50x10
45x20 / 60x10
45x20 / 25x20
8) 20 mins on Recumbent Bike Min. HR 145 BPM

Song of the Day: Cumbersome- Seven Mary Three

No real rants or stories this evening. Wish that trips to the mailbox were more fruitful. Tired of walking the hill to open the box and see a hollow shell! Guess there is something to be said for there being no bills. Hope everyone has a good night/ day/ whenever the hell you are reading this! Thanks for reading and I hope you are getting something from this (Even if it is a burning hatred for me...join the club!!)

"He who trims himself to suit everyone, will soon whittle himself away." -Raymond Hull
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Re: Off season training for motivation and other malarkey!

Postby kiltedhitman.4 on Mon Dec 19, 2011 4:45 pm

Lets keep it rolling. The holidays are kicking into high gear and everyone that I have had business dealings with or interacted with socially in the last few days, have all been complete asses!! I have no idea what is going on. Little holiday cheer and even less human compassion. Even after working for 20 hours straight, I can still muster a smile and a thank you! I know things could be a lot worse then what I have it right now and plenty of people out there have it hundreds of times worse off. A smile and a genuine reply goes a LONG way and God knows it won't ruin you self-centered day!! (This is in no way pointing fingers at anyone on here, just a generalization.) To everyone out there, just so I don't forget...may you have a Merry Christmas and actually enjoy the family, no matter how dysfunctional!! ;)

1) Stretching
2) Overhead Press (Explosive eccentric movement)
3) Machine Back Extension
300x12x2 ( Really feel a lot of tightness leave my low back when I use this machine.)
4) Machine Leg Curls
5) Kneeling Cable Crunches (Slow and deadly!:shock:)
6) Dumbell Rows
110x10x2 (These feel too easy, need bigger weights!)
7) 20 Mins Spinning ( saw it here first, spinning!)

Song of the Day- Nothing worth a damn- as performed by, wasn't feeling the headphones today!

While in the gym, a teenager walked in that was about 6'8" or so. I say teenager because of his lack of facial hair and completely undeveloped clumsiness with which he wandered around the gym. He did a "Super Duper" set of 10 to 12 movements with 10 dangerously performed reps for 2 cycles. All of the weights he was moving were WAY TOO HEAVY! He then ran out of the door and jumped in his car and was gone. One thing can be said, he is efficient! I then had the police office (you can tell by his t-shirt with the Rocky Mount PD badge and his name on it) I will swear on this that he did 20 sets of machine bicep curls. That is all, he did not leave the machine! This just reinforces why I train at night. I get really caught up in studying these "training cycles" and noting the effects. If he has to forcefully arrest somebody this evening, likelihood is his biceps will be so fatigued that he can't lift his hands. But that is neither here nor there. I now understand the signing of the waiver when you join a gym, people like these. Take it easy and thanks for reading!

"We oppose the reactionary policies of the U.S. government but we do not oppose the American people. We want to have many good friends in the United States."
-Kim Jong Il (I find this one ridiculously funny. Well spoken for the man with the largest standing military in the world and issuer of constant threats to the American People! His son isn't looking much better, but good riddance! :D )
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Re: Off season training for motivation and other malarkey!

Postby kiltedhitman.4 on Wed Dec 21, 2011 2:11 pm

Got home yesterday evening and was in a rush to get things done and go to the gym. My gym has a key sensor that locks at 11pm and when I got home it was 930. Did the things that I had to around he house, got changed and jumped in the car to make the 15 minute expedition to the gym. Get to the gym, no one is home. No 6'8" teen monster, no bicep burning cop, no stay at home mom wearing Gucci on the treadmill. Just me and the iron and I am happy! :D I flip on the lights, grab a peppermint from the candy bowl by the desk and head back to my corner, drop off my belt and get the party started. Got in a good warm-up and stretch. Everything was feeling good, so I decided to work on some deadlift singles with my new form. I was looking to completely change my form and located a Mark Rippetoe video teaching form. So, what the hell. Everything I have used from this man has been legit. After a few warm up sets I was ready to go. Worked up to a few singles at 445 and thought it would do. Mark stated at the end of the video that a lot of lifters feel that the movement is shorter, which I do agree. I also agree that it is a little bit more of a challenge to get into the tight head/chest up start position. But hey, whatever works, good enough for government work and all of that other stuff :shock: ! Now on to one of the fastest training sessions in history!

1) Stretching
2) Deadlift
45x10x2 (focus on form, cause if you can't get it ain't happening at the higher weights! Also, big focus on dragging the shins, got away from doing this and it has made me pay!)
225x2x2 (Belt on)
3) Dumbell Flyes
4) Machine Incline Press
5) 30 Mins on Bike 140 BPM
All of this was done with loading and unloading of the machines, wiping down and turning out the lights in about 50 minutes. :P

Song of the Day: Artist in the Ambulance- Thrice

Went out to walk my dog this morning and found a flat tire. With much enthusiasm :roll:, I took on the challenge of changing it. I was sitting there thinking, "This isn't bad, it isn't raining and you aren't in a foot and a half of mud like that time in your truck!" I spoke too damn soon! The sky darkened and it began to rain. A light drizzle, to which I thought, "Still not as bad as that time in Korea when the track slipped off in the mud on your tracked vehicle." Again, me and my big optimistic mouth! It begins to pour and I can feel my t-shirt soaking through with cold mountain rain. Refreshing, if I were going for muscle relief of a contrast shower, but I wasn't! Got the tire off and the spare on. Took it to the nearest air pump and filled it up to see the bright shiny head of a phillips head screw :shock:. By now, I am thinking "You got this! Get a plug kit from Advanced Auto and take care of it at home. Hell, plug that SOB in the parking lot!" ABSOLUTE GENIUS!!! I drive to Advanced Auto, locate the plug kit and head outside to, "handle my business". :roll: I grip the screw with the pliers in my toolbox in the trunk. Wiggle it and it eventually rips out. I am feeling better with ever gaining second. I ream out the hole and prepare the plug. I begin to place the plug and it is fighting me with all its will. The tire is going flat, so I have less resistance to push against. I give it one hard shove and get the plug in place with a expletive filled rant to drive it home! I trim the plug and am putting the tools away when I am approached by the clerk that sold me the plug kit. He said that they had a complaint on my language :cry: . I apologized, tossed the tools in the trunk. He was understanding and didn't give me too much grief. Filled it up with air at the next gas station and to my surprise, it is still holding air!! Hope you have enjoyed my mishaps for the day. Remember, no matter how bad your day can get worse!!! Thanks for reading.

"I have absolutely ZERO reason to be squatting . . . I still force myself to squat through pain and live with constant discomfort EVERY WEEK! Why do I do that? I do it for every p**** out there that tells me they don't train legs because they hurt their knee trying to squat in tenth grade."
-Stolen from Steve Pulcinella (Not going to lie, he is a idol of mine.) workout blog on
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Re: Off season training for motivation and other malarkey!

Postby kiltedhitman.4 on Fri Dec 30, 2011 10:46 am

Good Morning, Afternoon or Evening brothers and sisters of the iron and throwing of heavy inanimate objects!

Hope this finds you in good spirits, after all the family has left, and you are looking forward to the new year! Took some time off for the holidays to just relax and because I didn't want any grief from the family that I only get to see around this time. They don't understand my addiction and I don't expect them to. I really had a good time this holiday season and was fortunate enough to be given some great gifts :D , but also had some bad news delivered :( . I have also been finishing some qualifying runs with work so I am able to work on new territory. These runs are long Inter-Divisional runs from Clifton Forge, VA to Richmond. They involve a lot of mountains and some great scenery (and some awesome tunnels!) :shock: The guys at Clifton Forge are more like a family and all have been given nicknames. A few examples....Pajama Pants- For a individual that wears sweatpants to work everyday!, That same person is also known as Butthole eyes due to the way his eyes look when he gets tired! The Professor- For Engineer Moriarty....if you don't get it, I am not explaining it. They have taken to calling me Slim and Lesnar. I was told that for months, no one in Clifton Forge knew my name. So when they came to Richmond, and saw me, they would call me Lesnar behind my back. The bad news was that my mother held it through Christmas that she was diagnosed with Breast Cancer, 2 weeks prior. That hit me hard, for my mother to sacrifice her mental state so that others could have a "better holiday". My mother has always been a strong, self-sacrificing person. (Hell, she had me at 11.5 lbs 24 inches and my brother at 10.0lbs!) They believe it was caught early and she has not floundered around with getting to the doctor. We have had many family friends affected by this disease and I honestly thought "Never my family!" Oh how I was mistaken. I have always been optimistic and have faith that it will be taken care of (still scared though!). My grandmother is going to be placed in a Nursing home for rehab. The bursitis is so bad in her hip that she can't walk or get out of bed and my great aunt passed away in Tennessee on the 27th. My grandmother will get better, in time and my great aunt lived a long life and she made sure to say what she needed, to all the people that mattered in her life (She was taken by an aggressive form of cancer.) I took all that to the gym last night :twisted: .

1) Stretching
2) Shin Raking Deadlifts
135x8 (Belt On)
3) Banded Standing Crunches
4) Fat Bar Hi-rep Concentric Curls
5) Incline Machine Press (As explosive as possible but not past the point of losing control.)
No Cardio today. I was soaked with sweat and extremely tired from work and no sleep.

Song of the Day: Jukebox Hero- Foreigner (I can't here this song and not sing along! :shock: :lol: )

Looks like we are going to end up getting out of this rental lease. The house has a lot of problems that we don't want to deal with and that were not disclosed at the lease signing. The largest of these is the lack of clean, filtered, drinkable water! So much sediment and iron that it is a reddish/yellow. The owner is extremely nice and I feel bad about it, but it has to be done (met him for the first t. I am sure going to miss the view though! :( More to report later. Got to make some coffee and get things done today.

"I was born too late for steam trains and a lazy eye meant I'd never be an astronaut." -Mark Haddon
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Re: Off season training for motivation and other malarkey!

Postby kiltedhitman.4 on Sat Dec 31, 2011 3:49 pm

Some good news. My mom's lymph node biopsy came back negative :D and she goes in for surgery next Thursday. Got to hang out with a longtime close friend and his family yesterday. Hadn't seen him in a few months and it was like we were never apart. He is the guy that got me started in the "strength game". He is now a injury/ physical training consultant for the US Army. Between our hazing of each other and our comic shenanigans about the people around us, we have some really in depth conversations on strength training and all the new articles/ideas that have hit the market and how most of them are fluff/ absolute crap! The way that I see it is, you have new people that want to get strong and big like the guys on the magazines and have no knowledge. They then believe everything that they read and can't sort the S!@# from the material that can REALLY make a difference!! :shock: They don't listen to anyone that isn't in a magazine with "GUARANTEED 3 INCHES ON YOUR ARMS IN JUST 20 MINS!!" I admit, when I was in high school, I thought that junk worked! Put it this way, if it did, my arms would be 40 inches round and my chest would be big around as a Silverback Gorilla :lol: :roll: ! I learned, adapted and realized what I was doing was wrong. At best, those articles may have a exercise to add some variation to your workout. You don't need to change your workout routine because it is what some magazine says Jay Cutler, Ronnie Coleman or some NFL player does. This isn't directed at anyone here, unless you fall into this group. More of a rant for the masses. People just have to open their eyes and minds. ;) :!:

1) Stretching
2) Dumbell Bench Press
3) Seated Back Extensions
4) Hanging Leg Raises/ Chin-ups (10:3 ratio)
5 sets
5) Slow Concentric Preacher Curl
6) Tricep Pushdown
7) Skull Crushers

Song of the Day: Sevendust- Failure

I would like to welcome all of you Commercial Gym goers to the season of no dedication and lack of drive. We have all been privy to the sight that is Resolution season at the gym. The women in way-to-tight spandex, on the treadmill for a week or a month at the very best. Or the male counterpart that is doing some UBER-DANGEROUS :shock: exercises or has no gym etiquette at all!! They disappear within 3 months and maybe 3% of them stick to their goals. I am not going to sit and complain about this anymore!! I am going to make a concerted effort to keep a few of these individuals on track and maybe....just maybe contaminate them with the iron flu!! I am going to make my best effort to keep them driven for as long as possible. Who knows, I may even talk them into throwing at a MASA event or two :D Wish me luck and I will keep you updated. Thanks for reading and Happy, Healthy and Blessed New Year to you all! (and injury-free)

“To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and to endure the betrayal of false friends. To appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; to know that even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.”
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Re: Off season training for motivation and other malarkey!

Postby kiltedhitman.4 on Thu Jan 12, 2012 3:34 pm

Man!!! Talk about being kept away from the gym for WAY TO LONG!! :shock: Finally got back at it this morning and plan to go back for Round 2 sometime this evening. My seniority at work forced me back down to Richmond for a week. Prior to that, I was going to the hospital with my mom. She came out of surgery very well and is doing extremely well :D Managed to break my laptop in that time frame. But enough of the candy ass excuses. No place for those here when you want to get big and strong! :roll:

1) Stretching
2) Clean and Press (Belt)
135x6x2 (Second set was to make sure that everything was good before I added more weight)
3) Low Back Hyperextension
4) Seated Rows
5) Standing Band Crunches
Grey Band x15x4
6) Sing Hand Seated Rows

Song of the Day: Country is my Rock- Trent Tomlinson

For the time away, everything was feeling really good. which really surprised me! :o I spent yesterday driving to Richmond to pick up furniture that we ordered and take care of some DMV issues with the title on my car. It was raining all day and I hadn't slept well in over a week. Which is bad when you consider that I only require about 3 to 4 hours a night to function. Now, all of us in Virginia know how much of a pain in the ass it is to go to the DMV. Sit in line, wait, get a a number and some paperwork, wait some more, find out you don't have he necessary form, go back home, collect paperwork and repeat all previous steps!! I cheated this time, I checked EXACTLY what I would need to get the title issue taken care of on the DMV's website. I go in, thinking I am prepared, just to be met by a woman that doesn't even make eye contact with me as she talks to me. She then hands me my line number and I go find a seat. I look around and notice that the room is almost empty and everyone else is either testing or being helped. After sitting for 15 minutes, I am signaled back up to the counter by the same woman!!! :shock: She hadn't moved since she gave me my number. I began to see that this was going to be rough! (I don't know why I din't walk out right then?!?) I approach the woman and inform her that I need a new title for my car. She then looks at me and repeats what I said. Not in a effort to make sure that she understood what I was saying, but with a look of mass confusion!! Long story short, after trying to explain her job to her, I gave up and decided to fix the issue another day. I walk out from under the awning on the side of the building and get 5 steps away, when the bottom drops out! I am soaked, all the "appropriate paperwork" is soaked and my blood pressure is about to give me a stroke! You are asking "What does he do now?" I get in the truck and head into Richmond traffic, only to get to the tollbooth and realize that my EZ-Pass is on the other car! DAMN, GOT ME AGAIN COMMONWEALTH!! So now I have to pay a tollbooth IOU the next time that I go through. I had no idea that the tollbooth operators issued credit!! :lol: Enough of me whinning. Hope everyone is having a great week! I keep my head up, just to give people a better target!! Thanks for reading!

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Reply to Captain Pearson of the HMS Serapis, after asking for the surrender of his ship, the USS Bonhomme Richard
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Re: Off season training for motivation and other malarkey!

Postby kiltedhitman.4 on Fri Jan 13, 2012 10:43 am

I am going to try to get this posted before the morning rush. As I type, I am taking large spoonfuls of frosted mini wheats to my mouth, swallowing supplements and vitamins, listening to rock music and getting ready to go to the chiropractor. I stayed up until some time around midnight unpacking the new bedroom furniture from its boxes. Looks really good and I am in love with the bed already. ;) I made it back into the gym last night, just to meet some of the "Type A" gym personalities. More on that later....lets get down to work :shock:

Second trip. Another all around workout
1) Stretching/ Cardio 20 Mins at 15 degrees and 3.5 mph. ( In the teens here today, may be some hill running weather!)
2) Dumbell Bench
3) Incline Plate-loaded Bench (weight is per side)
4) Lateral Barbell Raises w/ Fast Gripz using "False Grip"
65x10x2 (My abs were contracting like crazy on the concentric part of this movement!)
5) Hanging Leg Raises
6) Lat Pulldown
7) Barbell Curls w/ Fat Gripz

Song of the Day: Flagpole Sitta- Harvey Danger

Back to the "Type A's". I am very quiet in the gym. Unless going to a 1 Rep Max, I am quietly toiling by myself. That being said, as I walk into the gym, a girl is behind me. At this point, I had no idea that she was there. As I walk through the door, I am met face to face with a upset man wearing a overly tight t-shirt. I could tell that he was not happy. He began to vocalize his unhappiness with me, or at least I thought it was me :roll: ! Before I could light the fuse and explode on this guy, I hear a voice behind me begin to talk and get louder and louder! Something about not being on time and him seeing other women at work....blah, blah, blah!! I just brushed by the guy and went to my corner. Before I put in my headphones I could still hear them arguing. They eventually worked out their anger and started working out. Everyone else in that place was doing a form of barbell bench press. They spotted each other on both incline and flat bench. I listen to my music very loud in the gym (I know the hearing risk and the sound system in the gym covers up the music in my headphones, so not to offend others! :D ) I could still hear this guy doing that deep breathing as he is reppin' out his bench, bouncing it off of his chest. Sounding like a tire going flat. I gave up on them. Then a large male came in. I thought "This guy is doing something right!" He then proves me wrong by benching on the Smith Machine and his FIRST SET IS 225!!! No warm-up, nothing. Throwing it down like he is Frank Henry in the flesh!! :o :shock: This Smith Machine has springs at the bottom. He works up to 315 and is bouncing it off of these springs so hard that it sounds like the machine is going to shatter! He is also benching with the bar hitting him just below the neck. Between the three people, I was prepared for the worst gym accident in history!! I had my phone out, ready to take a video and post to Youtube, and then call 911!! (Just "keepin it real!") They both survived and I went home to complete my furniture assembly. The ice is slowly melting here. Time to get moving. Have a good day and as always, thanks for reading.

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Re: Off season training for motivation and other malarkey!

Postby kiltedhitman.4 on Thu Jan 19, 2012 12:22 am

HELLO! Worked in Richmond this week and finally got home today. Got a ton done today, on just 3 hours of sleep. This includes a semi-interesting workout. Had to deal with a father that kept yelling at his 13 year old son about proper form. He isn't going to have proper from when you are going way over his max on every lift. This kid is set up for failure. He is doomed to quit because his father is overly aggressive. The kid was noticeably embarrassed by his father, who happens to be the individual that I spoke of in my last log. He was the one bouncing his bench press in the Smith Machine. Parenting fail. Now, time for the good stuff.

1) Stretching
2) Clean and Press
135x8x2 (Belt)
185x8 (Belt and wraps. Didn't feel right. Dropped down to 135 and repped out.)
3) EZ Bar Curls (Fat Gripz on the bar)
4) Inline Bench Dumbell Flyes w/Press
5) Lat Pulldown
6) Tricep Pulldown
7) 30 mins cardio

Song of the Day- Jackass yelling at his son! :o

Working out of Richmond this week was interesting. Was moving along at about 50 mph on the mainline around the Rockahock crossing (where Williamsburg Games were held) We rounded that corner to the east and noticed a large 40+ year old pine across the tracks :shock: . No time to stop, just try to slow down about 5 mph. We turned that tree into toothpicks! ;) Branches everywhere and I almost pissed myself. The angle the tree was sitting at, I was sure it was coming through the window. Only bent up a few grab irons and MU holder. The coupler was pretty messed up too. Got into the yard at Newport News and still managed to get all of my work done before the 12 federal mandated time limit ran out! Well, time for me to curl up in my big, giant, huge fluffy bed! Thanks for reading.

Engineer Darnell Anderson-" WHAT IN THE.....OH SH...!!!!!!"
(Impact Tree)
Me- "That WAS a Loblolly Pine, judging by the branches all over the windshield!" :geek: :D
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Re: Off season training for motivation and other malarkey!

Postby kiltedhitman.4 on Sat Jan 21, 2012 8:39 pm

Been having some issues with sinus drainage. It doesn't bother me much, but I do not hesitate to expel things that I cough up. Don't get me wrong, I don't openly clear my throat sinuses with that horrible noise as the phlegm comes loose :x . But if I cough it up, it will not have a long shelf life free floating in my body! It presents a problem in the gym, at work and just in general, I work through it though. The gym is that one addiction that very little gets in the way of! :D Have been talking with the Roanoke Stars Rugby Club about getting out and starting practice with them in mid-Feb. I really have a passion for competition and hopefully this will fuel it. I have played in a few fun matches (and watched many more), but never for a team. I may have a few more scars and many less teeth come mid- Highland Games season! Has been raining here at near freezing temps for the last two days and I am first out for call tonight! I would rather work in this stuff than 100+ degree weather! I know that a few of you remember the weather at Gene's Beach Games 2 years ago!! I am not made for that type of heat!! (Long story short, I was nearly killed in a car accident in 1999 after working on the farm in 100+ degree heat and then getting in the truck to run some errands and passing out. So heat still plays with my mind.) Down to business.....

1) Stretching...trying to get even better at this. The help that my chiropractor is giving me is paying off big dividends! :)
2) Squats (Going to hit some front squats or Zerchers this coming week, I love both of them!)
3) Hanging Leg Raises/ Standing crunches Superset ( I would let go of the band and it would feel like my abs were going to cave on themselves.)
20 leg raises +Grey band x15 x6
4) Leg Extension
5) Leg Curl

Song of the Day: Before I forget- Slipknot

Its Tax Season and for the first time in a while, looks like I will get a good return. Yes, I would like it if I din't overpay the government in the first place! :shock: I also can't lie and say that I don't like to get a lump sum of money, no matter how large, even if it was mine to start with! I paid off several educational loans and have many extras to file this year, so it should be interesting. Also, in other news, I got the furniture that I ordered back in November. God Bless La-Z-Boy and their furniture! So comfortable and the sectional sofa is big enough for me! Not much else to write...just waiting on a train! Hope everyone has a great weekend! Thanks for reading.

"Rugby is a beastly game played by gentlemen; soccer is a gentleman's game played by beasts; football is a beastly game played by beasts." - Henry Blaha
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Re: Off season training for motivation and other malarkey!

Postby kiltedhitman.4 on Tue Jan 24, 2012 8:52 pm

Made a roadtrip today for my training session. Drove about 45 minutes up the road to the Northeast side of Roanoke and put in some time at Elite Health and Fitness. It was recommended by Chad Clark, who I owe a HUGE thanks too :D ! It hit the spot. I went in with the intention of finding a Deadlift platform and calling it my home :shock: . I walked in and was met by the owner, whom was spotting a gym member on a final set of dumbell bench. That was a great sign for me! The owner is Duane Ellis, a bodybuilder. But at no time did I feel as though this was a "bodybuilder only" facility. The first thing i noticed was that it was nice and warm/borderline hot inside. I always enjoy leaving the gym, soaked in sweat! Nothing like making a run to the grocery store after a good hot workout and watching the cashier look around with that look that says "What in the hell is that smell?!?" Then you step up and she finally realizes! So, I locate the DL platform (in the back, they are always in the back.) and begin to take in the nuances. The cage over the window, the chalk bowl (finally, a damn chalk loving gym!) Duane was kind enough to let me workout for free and let the 7 dollar fee slide. I guess he knew, deep inside, that I had just found my new home and it wouldn't take long for me to realize this too! Whenever I go into a new gym, I am like a kid with ADD. I don't jump from machine to machine...but my eyes are constantly bouncing, looking for something new! With all the other signed Bodybuilder pose shots running around the gym on the wall, back in the corner, I was greeted by a autographed Gregor Edmunds picture....I WAS HOME!! Now, to the good stuff.

1) Stretching. Let me say this, not many of the bodybuilding guys in there did any of this. They walked in. dropped bags and went at it! I got a few funny looks.
2) Deadlift (Focusing on keeping tight and dragging the legs all the way through the movement)
315x3 (Belt)
405x2x3 ( I had more in the tank, but cut it off to have more energy to experience the rest of the gym)
3) GHR
4) Hanging Leg Raises
5) Dumbell Bench (They have them up to 180, so I have some growing room!)
6) Hamstring Curls

I am now the proud owner of a gym membership to Elite Health and Fitness of Roanoke, VA!

Song of the Day: Bury Me in Southern Ground- Rebel Son ( It came on the iPod and it just clicked.)

After the workout, I was driving home when I got a call from my girlfriend. She was not happy and I could tell that this was not going to be good! Apparently, while she was sleeping, to prepare for night shift. The landlord sent a maintenance man to fix the problems that we were complaining about. In our lease, it is stated that we are to be notified of such happenings. Not only did he come over, he had a key and let himself in! When I heard this, I was not happy, so we called the landlord. She got angry and hung up the phone on us (There is a long line of crap that has happened with this house, this is by no means the first instance) :o ! So, we got in the car and drove to her office. When we confronted her, she was sure that she was in the right, even though she signed our agreement and we had it in hand to show her!! Looks like I am taking this one to court. :shock: If anyone has any tips/ lawyers in Virginia that practice in Tenant/Landlord civil law or has been through this crap before, help me out. I have some good lawyer leads up here, but a little extra help never hurt. Time to look for another place. Now that I have gotten that out, I feel better. Hope your week is going good. Thanks for reading! PEACE, LOVE AND A ENDLESS SUPPLY OF BULLETS!

“Even in Hell the peasant will have to serve the landlord, for, while the landlord is boiling in a cauldron the peasant will have to put wood under it” :shock: -Russian Proverb
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Re: Off season training for motivation and other malarkey!

Postby kiltedhitman.4 on Wed Jan 25, 2012 7:42 pm

Sat around this morning, talking to lawyers and wishing I could break this cycle of crap that I have been in since before the holidays. I know there are people out there that are much worse off, but I just want it to "click" for a few months! Got positive feedback from the lawyers that I spoke with and plan on taking this one all the way :) . I want to walk in my landlord's office and pull a "Charlie Baileygates" :shock: :lol:! Off of that subject, I have been thinking about it enough today. Got up off my ass and drove to Elite again today, for the simple fact that I am going to be called to work tomorrow and I wanted to have a good squat session (the one day that I wish I had short legs like BJ Ketchum and Dave Marble!). Not much weight, but very fast paced. Now, for your reading pleasure...

1) Stretching like a champ :roll: ....foam rolling(makes all the difference in the world) and a good warm-up.
2) Box Squats
315x4 (No box. Just full depth, as controlled and fast as possible)
3) Landmine One arm pushpress
4) Dumbell Curls
5) Seated Machine Row

Song of the Day- Blame it on Waylon: Josh Thompson

Came home and cooked dinner so that my girlfriend and I can spend some time together before she has to go to work. I am not a bad cook, I do screw up a recipe every so often, but I am pretty good :P . I am going to clean-up a little bit and then, I may even drink a beer! On my way to the gym, I have to go down some pretty windy, hilly roads. I came around a corner today and was right behind a 300+ pound man on a scooter. He was FLY on the downhills, but going up them was another story. He topped the worst hill on the trip running a blistering 10 mph :shock: ! It was a good laugh for me, not going to lie! Saving money-Yes, Saving the environment-Possibly, Saving his manhood-Not possible :mrgreen: . Keep taking it easy and thanks for always!

" Work hard on the impossible, to be the best possible" -Unknown
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Re: Off season training for motivation and other malarkey!

Postby kiltedhitman.4 on Tue Jan 31, 2012 4:48 pm

Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening folks! Just sitting here enjoying the weather and the fat that I got off early today and will actually get to enjoy my scheduled day off tomorrow. That calls for a drink :D ! Thank God that I came prepared for just such and occasion. I am sitting here with a bottle of Bowman Brothers Straight Bourbon, enjoying the smooth flavor. Some of you may say,"It is 3pm on a Tuesday!" :o . Sorry, I don't work the regular 9 to 5 and I haven't had a drink since the Meadow Games weekend. So find it in your heart to cut me some slack! I was called out at 3am this morning, after staying up all day yesterday. Got the train to its destination and they decided that since I had been a good little monkey, they would send me and my Engineer back to our home terminal. (Just another day of making money for "the man". The CEO of my company "reported" 19 million dollars worth of personal income last year. Not to mention his bonuses and payments from the other companies that he is on the board of (GE being one of them. The largest manufacturer of locomotive engines!) So, I am going to sit here pet my dog, blog and enjoy my drink... Time for the good stuff! :shock:

Back at Elite for this one
1) Stretching
2) Front Squats
3) 8 in. 65lbs Log Press
4) Dumbell Rows
5) Bodyweight Chins (312 lbs)
My traps, delts and lats are sore to the touch....another good workout!

Song of the Day- It is a tie today- Blood on the Risers/ If I Die in the Combat Zone (I know they are cadences, but I love to hear them when I do heavy sets!)

I can feel the lack of sleep trying to catch up to me, I am running like crazy just trying to stay ahead of it! Life on the railroad is not for everyone. Thomas the Tank Engine makes it seem all bright and sunny after the little problem on Sodor is fixed in every episode! :lol: It is all lies. Don't get me wrong, I love what I do, I just guess it is like anywhere has serious flaws! They correct 1 flaw and 10 more appear. Let me give you an example. Last night, I was called to work a job that I have never worked, nor seen the track that it operates on. This becomes ridiculous in the daylight, but at 3am, it adds a completely different level of danger to it! Like crossing the, but there are no headlights and the cars are almost completely quiet (which is surprising , considering they can weigh in at over 100 tons!) This doesn't even bring into account flying debris and air hoses, dangerous walking conditions and the bridges. I can go on, but I will save it for later. I explained that I wasn't qualified for the job. The crew caller said "Come on down anyway, you are the only rested Conductor that I have got!" That doesn't make it any better! So, my military training kicked in and I adapted to the situation and overcame the challenge. Thank you Col. Allen McReynolds for pounding that into my head at a young age! Failure is inevitable to those that are not willing to adapt and overcome. Enough of me bitching. Just remember, that guy you see sitting on the train as it passes through the crossing, does a hell of a lot more then that! Hope you are all having a good week. I am going to continue sipping! :shock: Thanks for reading!

Courage consists not in blindly overlooking danger, but in seeing it, and conquering it.
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Re: Off season training for motivation and other malarkey!

Postby kiltedhitman.4 on Wed Feb 01, 2012 5:25 pm

Hello readership! I managed to fall asleep on the couch while watching TV. I woke up at 330 AM and crawled to the bed. ( That is what I get for staying up 36+ hours!) Started out today with a good breakfast and some play time with my Australian Blue Heeler, Kylee :D . Decided that I would make a roast for dinner. I got that fired up for some slow cooking and headed off to the gym. As of late, I have been very tentative with my deadlifts at the top. I guess this is due to my recent back injuries. On the way to the gym, I decided that I would do some high volume with chains, working up to 80-85%. That is what I did...and here it is! :roll:

1) Stretching and Foam Rolling (You would be surprised the looks I get when I foam roll. Such a "hardcore gym" and only a few others do it.)
2) Deadlift w/ Chains ( Chains were 20lbs sections of 5/8")
134+1 (Chain) x8
405x8 (I need a plate gerbil! After that, it was a little tough to unload the bar.)
3) Dumbell Curls
4) GHR
5) Machine Rows

Song of the Day: Mountain Man- Mountain Heart

When I was done, I was starving and since it was my day off, I treated myself to lunch. I drove across the road to Hooters (yep, right across the street! How awesome is that?!) and had an awesome mushroom swiss medium cooked burger! That hit the spot and the waitress (Shannon) was really funny, not flaunting her sexuality for a at most Hooters. It brought another thought to my mind when I saw the manager. " Those that can't, manage." kept rolling through my head. This guy was well on his way to 400 lbs of pure fat! He looked like he hadn't heard a shower run in months and his clothes were dirty. Not the "I work in the kitchen" dirty, just plain nasty. I know he wouldn't look good in the short shorts or that tight shirt :shock: , but he was an ass to these women! It reminds me of so many other instances. For example...a newly promoted Trainmaster at work is 23 years old. He was a Conductor for 3 months (not even long enough to finish training!) and when he applied for a Trainmaster position, he was given it based on a college degree. Not because he has or will have any experience with functional train movement, NO! He has a degree in General Education :lol: !!! I won't get too graphic, but my bodily gaseous expulsions have more experience than this guy does! He is nice enough, but nice doesn't cut it when you are putting people into situations that can kill them. Have 2 trains lined onto the same track, let me know how that works for you! :shock: When I was a correctional officer, my shift commander and every shift commander for that matter were unable to manage themselves, much less a 1200 inmate facility for 12 hours at a pop! Our Lieutenants were the go-to guys when we needed an officer, not the Captain. They exist in the military, but are not as prominent in the combat arms sector (I thank God everyday for that!). When I was in High School, I worked at a dealership as a car detailer. I was meticulous and hated the thought of somebody being unhappy with my work. My boss, whom had never worked in the auto industry, was derogatory and talked down to me all the time. Not to mention, was never happy with the amount of time it took me to do a full package detail, he thought it was too slow (I was on commission and was payed 6 hours for a job that usually took me 4 1/2.) He went as far as to yell at me and cuss me when he decided to "let me go" for a unknown reason. I can remember the day that I saw him again, I was on the volunteer fire department and we were called to a vehicle over an embankment. We hooked up the ropes and I repelled over a 60 foot drop-off to a new Jeep Cherokee with dealer tags. When I got to the door, I noticed Rick. Struggling to breath, bleeding badly from multiple wounds and rolling in and out of consciousness. He appreciated my attention to detail on that day!! He spent the next several months in UVA recovering. He was later terminated due to the accident. It was found that he was eating hotdogs while he was driving and was still slightly intoxicated from the night before. Sometimes, treating people bad will come back to bite you. Enough of my ramblings. Thanks for reading and WOW 1000+ views :o , never thought I would have any interest in me talking about crap and my workouts :roll: Have a good one!

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Re: Off season training for motivation and other malarkey!

Postby kiltedhitman.4 on Tue Feb 07, 2012 8:14 pm

It has been a long weekend. The railroad gods did shine down on me, just long enough to watch the Superbowl. Other than that reprive, I worked my share of the long weekend (Wednesday night to Monday night). Took off work on Thursday so I can take my mom to her first chemo treatment. She is upbeat and said that she wants a Harley Davidson bandana for when she loses her hair. She has never really been the wig/ pretty hat type :D . Not much else to report on. Just living, here is the training session for today.

1) Stretch, Stretch, Stretch
2) Bench Press
3) Clean and Press
4) Machine Rows
6) Hammer Curls

Song of the Day: Fire it Up- Black Label Society

I have been on a spicy food kick for the past few weeks. I don't know why. I can't handle Dave " The Hammer" Marble type heat, but I can hold my own. Let me tell you, it has produced some screwed up dreams!! I wake up, upside down, tangled in the sheets, soaked in sweat and with these vivid dream memories. They aren't scary, just intense. :o Don't really have much time right now, but I will elaborate more a little later. Thanks for reading.
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Re: Off season training for motivation and other malarkey!

Postby kiltedhitman.4 on Thu Feb 09, 2012 12:13 am

I made it to the gym! Two days in a row....WOW!! :shock: Had to do something to stop my mind from racing. It is amazing how training time will clear your mind, especially deadlift time! It also amazes me just how man exercises the bodybuilder types can do for triceps!! If I did that many, I would want to amputate my arms due to the inflammation. Made it a quick one today. High volume on the deadlift, but that is all. I really want to do a push/ pull meet that benefits St. Judes. I want to see if I can pull 650 for 5. We will see how that comes along.

1) Stretching
2) Trap Bar Deadlift
315+2 chains x5
315+4 chains x5
315+5 chains x5
315+4 chains x5
315+2 chains x5
225x5 (Like I had nothing in my hands for the last two sets!)
3) Pec Flyes
4) EZ Bar Curls

Song of the Day: A Warrior's Call- Volbeat

Been a rough couple of weeks with getting out of my lease, getting things set up for my mom (take her to her first chemo tomorrow), work and to top it all off.. my girlfriend and I have decided that we should split up. We are both dealing with issues that need to be handled before we can expect to settle down with each other. I know that is a bit much to put on here, but you, my readership listen to me when I spew crap from my mouth. You might as well get "the Rest of the Story", as Paul Harvey would say. That has been eating at me and probably also explains my attempt to destroy myself with deadlifts. I don'y care about the logic behind it, breakups are seldom easy. But, there are always people out there that are worse off and I am appreciative and thankful for the time we had together and all other things in my life. Well, time for sleep. A ton of stuff to do tomorrow. Goodnight all. Thanks for reading!

There are seeds of self-destruction in all of us that will bear only unhappiness if allowed to grow.
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Re: Off season training for motivation and other malarkey!

Postby kiltedhitman.4 on Wed Feb 22, 2012 7:41 pm

It has been a while. I have been busy with work, moving, sickness and self pity! No need to sugar coat it, that is what it is. I got away from the one thing in my life that balances out the stress. So, I threw myself back at it with a renewed determination. I am not going to annoy anyone with any of the details, but all that matters is I worked my way up o a 102.2 degree fever. Don't really know what it was, but it happened. Lets get started. I had to go back and get a membership at the hell hole of a YMCA that I never wanted to darken the doors of again. Looks like I will suck it up for a while longer! :shock:

1) Stretching
2) Treadmill 15 degrees at 3.0mph for 15 minutes
3) Deadlifts
4) Dumbell Rows
5) Hanging Leg Raises

Song of the Day: Black Lung- Left Lane Cruiser

I go back in the Y and I am greeted with a 50/50 approach. 50% of the people are glad to see me, especially the 16 year old that I helped train. The other 50% include the Under Armour wearing crowd that believes they are the best thing since sliced bread :roll: ! One guy even wanted to drag up as much information as possible about my breakup and I really wanted to hit him with a 45 lbs plate. (Don't lie, 90% of you have wanted to do it too!!) :o So, I put in my work and got out of there. It was good to get in some training, but damn if I will ever like the atmosphere of that place!

"If we are facing in the right direction, all we have to do is keep on walking."
- Buddhist Saying
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