Torn Pec :(

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Torn Pec :(

Postby Beau Fay on Tue Jan 15, 2008 11:18 am

Well guys, it's almost eerie to think that only a few weeks ago I was defending the use of bench pressing in my training... because I tore my left pec while benching yesterday. I still don't know the extent of the tear and am waiting on a referral to see someone. There is, however, a pretty decent crater where the pec-delt tie-in lies and obviously a great deal of swelling and discoloration. Wish it was the right side.....

I figured I'd come on and mourn in the company of my fellow throwers. I hope everyone is having a safe, productive and healthy offseason.
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Re: Torn Pec :(

Postby Mike Wills on Tue Jan 15, 2008 11:46 am

Sorry to hear about that Beau. I can definitely sympathize with injuries! I had several small pec tears in the '90's, but nothing that left a crater. I decided that light speed flat benches, moderate weight incline benches and moderate weight incline dumbell benches are all that I will ever do again. For me, nothing good comes from heavy benching. I like to throw in dips and push presses to round things out.

Get it checked out, but it should be fine in about 6 weeks. You can even train legs & such a couple weeks after a pec tear as long as you aren't stressing the chest too much. Luke Iams told me that back in the '70's they used to use a certain type of steroid mixed with DMSO?? and rub it on a pec tear and it would heal up in a week. I'm not sure if I believe that...he also told me that he was stronger than Kazmaeir!
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Re: Torn Pec :(

Postby Clancelt on Tue Jan 15, 2008 12:02 pm

Man Beau, that sucks. Hope you heal swiftly.

You guys are making me nervous, I love benches. I've added over 100lbs to my single rep bench in the last two years. It's one of the few things I can do with a messed up back :( The thought of a torn pec is making me wonder about going too heavy.... :?
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Re: Torn Pec :(

Postby FrankH on Tue Jan 15, 2008 1:30 pm

Rub some dirt on it, you big wuss!!!! ;) Seriously, that sucks and I hope you heal up fast. My squat cage is about 2 weeks old, and I have hurt myself about 3 times already. My new mantra is keep the weight low and the reps high. Seems to be working better so far. Nothing on a bar-- even squats and DL's-- over 225. Period. I decided to listen to my creaky body, which keeps yelling "I'm 54 friggin' years old, you big dumbass!!!" :o Anyhow, feel better-- you're going to have a big year this year!
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Re: Torn Pec :(

Postby Jeff Storey on Tue Jan 15, 2008 3:19 pm

geez Beau. That really sucks! take care of it and get healthy quick!
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Re: Torn Pec :(

Postby Rich McClain on Tue Jan 15, 2008 6:13 pm

Beau, Brotha. UGH! Heal up soon. As far as DMSO, well here we go from memory.

First off, Luke Iams lived in New Martinsville, West Virginia. Bryan and I lived in New Martinsville from 1971 till the early to mid-eighties. I never met Luke directly, but heard stories of him including the one where in the early 70's on Easter Sunday he drove an eight year old kid that was knocked out from a very bad bicycle wreck to a hospital in Wheeling, WV about 40 miles north at breakneck speed thus enabling doctors to work on him and save his life. That kid was me.

I had heard other stories about Luke, but since I was not in to lifting, I never paid much attention.

As far as DMSO, well here we go from memory.

DMSO was a horse lineament that was used to help heal them. Its ability to soak into the muscle and act as a delivery device worked wonders on athletes, including runners. The thought was to crush up aspirin and dissolve it into the DMSO and dab it on the sore muscle to speed in healing. Our girls track coach was using it when I ran track back in the eighties.

Words of caution, usually the person being treated will develop the worst garlic breathe and if rubbed in will severely irritate the skin. I attached the website for DMSO that looks like they have a topical human use nowadays. Back in the eighties it was also used to scrub kitchen floors. Strong stuff.
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Re: Torn Pec :(

Postby Beau Fay on Tue Jan 15, 2008 6:44 pm

Thanks everyone for the kind words and thoughts! I'm still waiting on a visit to the orthopedist to determine the severity of the tear and to find out whether or not I'll need surgery to reattach it. I will keep you posted.

Rich, very cool story about Luke Iams!
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Re: Torn Pec :(

Postby FrankH on Tue Jan 15, 2008 6:53 pm

Dr. Fay-- Hang in there, buddy. Just a temporary set-back; you'll be slinging steel again before long. Do what the doc says, and don't rush it. You have plenty of time to dominate!! Get well, hoss.
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Re: Torn Pec :(

Postby Mike Wills on Tue Jan 15, 2008 6:57 pm

You know Rich, I talked with Luke quite a few times over the years at various powerlifting meets. He was a funny guy and the local mortician in New Martinsville...he was also the leader of a powerlifting group they called the WV Wild Bunch. I think he died about 3-4 years ago.

One of the funniest things was to hear him talking about deadlifting. Luke was about 5'5" and at his strongest around 380lbs. He was one of the first people to bench over 600 and squatted in the mid 900's!

He had a beard and very small hands and feet...looked a lot like a blown up version of Gimli, son of Gloin!!!

Anyway, his arms were very short. One day he started telling me about how if it wasn't for his cursed short arms he could have beaten Kaz. I was listening intently, then he grabbed a bar and showed me. Holy crap, he wasn't lying. He was the only human being who locked out a deadlift above his belt!!!

Another one involved Luke, Troy McNett and Willie Williams. Luke went 380 at 5'5", Willie is about 6' and about 350, and Troy (died at 38 years old) was 6'4" and 400. The three of them rode to a meet together in the front of an S-10 pickup back in the 80's. After the meet, they drove through Taco Bell which was selling the $0.39 tacos. He said you should have seen the look on the face of the girl at the window when they ordered 50 tacos....each! When I asked if they ate them all, he looked at me like I was stupid and said "What do you think? We were still hungry!"
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Re: Torn Pec :(

Postby miked on Tue Jan 15, 2008 8:29 pm

Man, those are some good stories.

Beau! Damnit! Beau! I really hate to hear about your torn pec, brother. Damn!

Do what the doc say, listen to your body, don't go heavy in the bench again, and follow all the good advice these guys are giving you. I don't want to have another season with you out on the field only half the time. Shite!

I think lost of Vitamin C and protein should help too.

Let me know if I can do anything to help out, or if you need anything. If you need some big strong hands to rub analgesic onto you chest, just let me know and I will find a crack ho' with some big strong hands and give her $50.

Seriously, let me know if I can do anything for you and heal up for '08. There is still plenty of time and the season is long.
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Re: Torn Pec :(

Postby bjketchem on Tue Jan 15, 2008 9:18 pm

Beau, I am so sorry to hear about the injury. I hope you heal up soon and when the time comes for PT, I would recommend the guy I went to. He is a great Dr. and knows whats up. His name is Dr. Bills, 703-838-9810. Get better soon brotha!

btw, Mike hooked me up with one of those "special assistants" and it has worked wonders :shock:
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Re: Torn Pec :(

Postby Tim on Tue Jan 15, 2008 9:45 pm

Damn, Beau. That really sucks. And here I am trying to improve my upper body strength. I guess I'll have to re-think that.

One more word on DMSO. It is a fantastic solvent. It will dissolve things most other solvents won't. It is great for absorbing things into the skin. It is so great that it will take ANYTHING that is dissolved in it across your skin. So if you have been handling anything toxic (motor oil, pine tar, turpentine), it will also be taken up by your body. Handle with care.

I am sooooo behind in my training.
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Re: Torn Pec :(

Postby Jeff Storey on Tue Jan 15, 2008 11:58 pm

yeah, DMSO in its pure form is cool stuff. smells...well it smells.
and we were cautioned to change gloves carefully, b/c the other chemicals used in that experiment are strong carcinogens.

I made my lovely lab partner portion it out. :lol:
god she was gorgeous. kind of a shame about that. ;)
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Re: Torn Pec :(

Postby Beau Fay on Thu Jan 17, 2008 7:27 pm

Thanks again to you guys for your words of support. I saw the orthopedist today and sure enough, it was a classic rupture at the pec/delt tie-in. The doc said he could literally feel the end of the tendon with a bit of thumb pressure. I will be heading in to have surgery tomorrow-- hopefully it will go well, but it will be a long road back.

But I will be back!!!
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Re: Torn Pec :(

Postby miked on Thu Jan 17, 2008 8:21 pm

Good luck with the surgery, brother. I hope is heals fast and strong, and we will see you on the field before the end of the season.
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Re: Torn Pec :(

Postby Mike Wills on Thu Jan 17, 2008 9:39 pm

You know that I had to take off nearly a year starting this time last year. All I can tell you is that the time does pass and with a pec tendon re-attachment, once it heals you shouldn't even notice anything happened. Just don't let the combination of the surgery and the time of year get you down too much. My guess is that by mid-summer you will be back to full strength.
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Re: Torn Pec :(

Postby FrankH on Thu Jan 17, 2008 10:11 pm

Hey, Beau-- Sounds like you're in good hands; we're all pulling for you to be back giving us the beat-down later in the season. Come out on St. Paddy's day and let us buy you a few rounds. All the best, brother. Heal up.
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Re: Torn Pec :(

Postby Rich McClain on Thu Jan 17, 2008 11:19 pm

Beau, sorry to hear about the injury and surgery. Judging from some of the other posts you will be good as new by the end of the season. Heal quick and rehab slow. See you back on the field, my friend!
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Re: Torn Pec :(

Postby Jeff Storey on Thu Jan 17, 2008 11:24 pm

Well, you know what a surgeon told me; the stronger you are going in, the stronger you'll be coming out. So, you'll have to settle for being only slightly superhuman for a while. ;)
good luck with it tomorrow. give em hell. on second thought, be nice to them.
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Re: Torn Pec :(

Postby hmckenzie on Fri Jan 18, 2008 11:47 am

Good luck today....let us know how it goes!
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Re: Torn Pec :(

Postby mike melia on Fri Jan 18, 2008 4:21 pm

thought and prayers are with you. It will be a long road coming back but you can make it. Especially with the help from friends.

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Re: Torn Pec :(

Postby bjketchem on Fri Jan 18, 2008 5:51 pm

Good luck with the surgery brother. my prayers are with you. give a shout if you need anything.
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Re: Torn Pec :(

Postby snider on Wed Jan 23, 2008 10:50 am

Seen the pictures...OUCH! wish you a fast recovery and hope to see you on the field when I get back from New Zealand.
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