Tonight's OS Workout

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Tonight's OS Workout

Postby bjketchem on Tue Jan 22, 2008 10:12 pm

Good Workout today...which was needed after a miserable day at work...of which, I had nothing but an orange, cottage cheese, and 1.5 liters of water from 7:00 am-6:50 pm...and no, I am definitely not dieting, just a busy, long day...overall, pretty pleased with the lifting though...

1. Dynamic warm up
2. No drills today

Lifting: Dynamic Upper Push/ Max Effort Lower Pull

1. Dynamic Upper: Spilt Jerks 6x3x135
2. Max Effort: Deadlift 185x3, 225x5, 260x2, 300x1, 340x1, 400x1
3. SIngle Leg RDL: 3x5x135
4. Foam Bench: 2x15x185
5. KB Swings: 1x20x62lbs, 1x12x62, 1x16x62

Stretching and Foam Roller
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Re: Tonight's OS Workout

Postby Rich McClain on Tue Jan 22, 2008 11:18 pm


Sorry, I was talking to myself there for a minute.

Bad news: It has been 5 days since my last lift and 15 days since the last Day 4 was cycled threw.

What does all this mean, like Miked's signature "It's gonna take more than that"

Day 4/Cycle 4
Power Cleans 155 x 3 x 3 UGH!
Bench 175 x 3 x 3 take away my back and legs and that's all I got
Overhead Squats 135 x 5 x 3
Here's where it gets fun:
Dead lifts (hex bar w/straps) 275 x 5, 295 x 5, 325 x 5 still some left in the tank
Shrugs (hex bar w/straps) 325 x 5, 345 x 5, 365 x 5 with last rep of each set a 5 second hold as high as possible
One arm DB snatch 70 x 5 x 3 each arm
Core crushers 265 x 3 x 3
I traded 1/4 crunches for reverse hypers 20 to start. I should probably not do reverse hypers on such a busy back day.

Really feeling shoulders right now after hot/cold shower cycle.
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Re: Tonight's OS Workout

Postby Rich McClain on Wed Jan 23, 2008 6:27 pm

Temperature was 28 degrees!
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Re: Tonight's OS Workout

Postby bjketchem on Wed Jan 23, 2008 10:23 pm

that's friggin cold brother...
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Re: Tonight's OS Workout

Postby miked on Wed Jan 23, 2008 10:25 pm

I had a nice little dynamic/fast twitch push workout tonight

Push Press - 135x6x5 sets - focus was on snapping the weight up and reversing it quickly at the bottom
Incline bench - 135x8, 185x5, 185x5, 135x8 - focus was to drive it off the chest as fast as possible
Standing DB Military press - 50x10x3sets - again, fast, fast, fast concentric movement
DB Bench - 65x10x3sets - really focused on hitting the stretch reflex at the bottom and snapping them up
Med Ball Hammer winds - 10x3xboth directions
KB box
Med Ball crunches - 50

I did a similar dynamic/fast twitch Pulling workout on Monday.
High Pulls
Timmerman style Jump Shrugs - based on the Timmerman Good Mornings, but with the hex bar so the weight was at the end of my levers. - thing bounding in place jump shrug with light weight - focusing on reversing and exploding up.
Romanian Deadlifts
Core Crusher
Ab Wheel (yes, as seen on TV)
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Re: Tonight's OS Workout

Postby bjketchem on Wed Jan 23, 2008 10:35 pm

first the bowflex, now the ab wheel, next thing you know you'll be using the Tony Little Gazelle :shock:

btw, what did you think of the timmerman's with the weight in your hands?
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Re: Tonight's OS Workout

Postby Rich McClain on Wed Jan 23, 2008 10:42 pm

Just be sure to stay away from the Thigh Master! Unless you are Susanne Summers. ;)

I'm also interested in the Timmerman type of training.
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Re: Tonight's OS Workout

Postby miked on Thu Jan 24, 2008 10:01 pm

First off, Mr. Ketchum, I believe you have an ab wheel, too. So, it takes one to know one.

As for the Ulf Bounding Jump Shrugs, they will be one of the reasons I go 40 and 80 in the weights this year. I think they are as good an exercise as can be done for the highland games. But, this is only my second year, so that might not be saying much.

I think it is important to reiterate the focus of the exercise: to quickly reverse the weight. just like Timmerman did with the good mornings. I only went up to 95 pounds. I don't see going much more than about 135. For heavier weight, stick with the traditional JS. This is more dynamic and will lead to an injury if done very heavy. I think.
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Re: Tonight's OS Workout

Postby bjketchem on Thu Jan 24, 2008 10:25 pm

dang Dickens...I was hoping I could sneak that one by you...I admit, I do have an AB Wheel...
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Re: Tonight's OS Workout

Postby Sheaf daddy on Fri Jan 25, 2008 7:33 am

First - ab wheel? that explains the 6 pack you guys both have!

Second - Timmerman whatevers I need video man! Do some and post it.

Lastly - nice light fast leg day yesterday
Jump squats 225x5x5
Fast Zerchers 205 x 5 x 3 reps
Leg press to 75 degree bend - 740x4x8
Toes raise 740x4x20 (dynamic maximizing stretch reflex)

The last two are silly but given my ankles I am always going to do toe raises. so bite me you thick ankles neanderthals. And leg press is just fun.
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Re: Tonight's OS Workout

Postby FrankH on Fri Jan 25, 2008 11:17 am

Yeah, I like the leg press too. Easier on my lower back than the squats and DL's I've been doing; those leave me stiff as a board. As I've mentioned before though, I just push a foot or so-- just up and back to the safety stops, since I figure when I push off to throw I'm not in a very deep squat.

On the subject of grip, mine is fairly decent. I might try the hook grip this year, though-- what the heck.

My workouts are coming along good, and I'm starting to get back into shape after that long lay-off due to the neck problem. I'm pretty sure I'm already about where I was last year, and my body weight is up to 260. (I still have pipe cleaner arms, though.) I tell you, having a squat cage in the house could be a recipe for disaster. It's hard not to load up some big honkin' weight just for snicks and giggles. I'm trying to stay within my self-imposed limit of 225 until February, then increase 20 pounds per month. (Woo hoo, 305 in May; 405 by October!) If I launch a patella across the room, at least I'll be stylin' on the gurney in my brand new Chuck Taylors! :D
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Re: Tonight's OS Workout

Postby miked on Fri Jan 25, 2008 11:52 pm

six packs?? My abdomen does resemble a certain type of beer container, but it ain't no six pack.
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Re: Tonight's OS Workout

Postby bjketchem on Sat Jan 26, 2008 12:21 pm

+1 Dickens...

...I gave up on that quest a looooooonnnnggg time ago...i like food too much to get all "cut up"...My wife's favorite shirt of mine is one that says, "Not Shredded and Not Concerned" on the that's love :D
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