Little Dynamic OS action

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Little Dynamic OS action

Postby miked on Fri Jan 25, 2008 11:44 pm

Hey folks,

BJ the Stump came over and we did a little light weight dynamic lifting.

Here is what we did:
dynamic warm up and some drills - center pivot, 28# 360s, cast and sprint with 20# DB
"Ulf" Jump Shrugs 45x6, 65x6, 95x6x3sets
Light Band Box Squat - 45x5, 155x3 supersetted with stair jumpsx3 for 6 sets
Seated DB snatch - 20x3, 30x3, 35x3, 45x3, 50x3, 65x4, 65x5
Timmerman Good Mornings - 45x5x5 sets
97# KB rows - for 20
Core Crusher - 135x10 each way x 3 sets

The "Ulf" Jump Shrugs and Timmermann Good Mornings were done with very light weight because this is really the first time we are doing them. Ulf Timmermann started the GMs with just the bar and over a few years worked up to doing them with his body weight. :o which is just plain sick.
The "Ulf" Jump Shrug is the same concept of "bounding" with an emphasis on reversing the weight very quickly, but with a hex bar so the weight is at the end of your levers.

Here is a video of some of the exercises:

It was a good workout and I think will transfer well to throwing.
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Re: Little Dynamic OS action

Postby bjketchem on Sat Jan 26, 2008 12:27 pm

"BJ the Stump" ...sheesh...that is a nickname from little league coach used to call me "Stump"... He described it to mean short and strong...which I later realized it was a nice way of saying short and round...

That was a good workout and it will def. translate to throwing and I am sore today...a good sore though...
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Re: Little Dynamic OS action

Postby bjketchem on Sat Jan 26, 2008 12:28 pm

But ,The Stump does have a nice ring to it...and it's still applicable after all these years:)
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Re: Little Dynamic OS action

Postby miked on Sat Jan 26, 2008 12:33 pm

how about "mighty stump", or "stump of fury", or "stump the impaler", or stumplestilskin

okay the last one is not so good.
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Re: Little Dynamic OS action

Postby Sheaf daddy on Sat Jan 26, 2008 12:42 pm

That looks like a good sports specific workout - think I will do it today.

only problem is it was too dark for the timmerman jump shrugs to be clear.

So my workout today was
Close grip hand cleans - lite 75lbs x 3set x 5 reps fast with rhythm
Jump shrugs - lite - 145 - Timmerman style
one handed step ups - 3x3 in each hand 11inch box 115lbs
one handed step bounds 3x3 each hand with 40lb kb. what you do is step onto the first step with your right foot and then jump and land on your left foot on a higher step or box. I keep the kb in my right hand when leading with my right foot and then switch hands when I switch feet.
One handed box jumps with 40lb kb. jump up with kb in one hand 3 sets of 3 reps for each hand

I was huffing and puffing - went fast and completed in 30 minutes. I think I will keep this as my days when I gotta run out early.

Every one pray for warm weather for next weekend so we can do some dino day and some drills. I have much mulch to spread for a drill pit. ooooo yeah

oh yeah and as far as the stumpy part goes here is the upside for both of y'all. I have a 7.5+ foot ceiling in my basement. And I smacked my head on it doing jump shrugs. That kinda rattles your cage a bit.
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Re: Little Dynamic OS action

Postby Rich McClain on Sat Jan 26, 2008 3:24 pm

Nice work, guys. Vids really help in understanding the movements also. My shoulders are almost fully recovered so I will probably start day 1/cycle 5 tonight. I plan on completing 8 total cycles before dropping the weight and focusing on speed and increasing flexibility.
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Re: Little Dynamic OS action

Postby FrankH on Sun Jan 27, 2008 7:42 pm

Great video, thanks!
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Re: Little Dynamic OS action

Postby Rich McClain on Sun Jan 27, 2008 10:49 pm

28 degrees and it felt warm. It has been sub 20's last few days with about 3" of snow on the ground.

Still having issues with shoulders so I lightened up some.

Day 1/Cycle 5
Snatch 115x5x3
Snatch hi-pulls 155x5x3
Hexbar jump shrugs 255x5x3 no straps
Up right rows 85x5x3
Seated DB Arnold press 40'sx5x3
Core Twists 45x5x3
Core Crushers 135x5x3
Crunches hold for 2 minutes

Not really thrilled with this workout, but because I was stupid last week with my shoulders (hexbar shrugs w/5 sec hold) I needed to do something to get back into the swing. The good thing is there are no shoulder issues after the workout.
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Re: Little Dynamic OS action

Postby FrankH on Mon Jan 28, 2008 10:50 am

Hey, Rich-- looks like you are working hard; I'm looking forward to seeing you tossing some big numbers this year-- keep it up!
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Re: Little Dynamic OS action

Postby Jeff Storey on Mon Jan 28, 2008 6:30 pm

aw shucks guys, you went to all that trouble of making it look like that wasn't even hard.
but I see thruuuu you!
surely, real men would have just banged out some bottoms up reps with that puppy, then played some catch with it. :lol:
but I'll take what I can get I guess... :cry:
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Re: Little Dynamic OS action

Postby Rich McClain on Mon Jan 28, 2008 11:54 pm

Thanks, Frank.

Well as I said before, I wasn't too thrilled with my Sunday workout. I barely felt today at work so here we go...

It was a heat wave... 33 degrees, Whooooohooooo!

Day 2/Cycle 5
Squat 265x5, 285x5, 315x5
I tweaked my left knee yesterday doing Core crushers so for the first time since 1991 I wrapped my knees for back squats.
Zerchers 225x5x3
Stone Squat 225x5, 245x5, 265x5 lots of explosive pop , felt good
Lunges, 1 arm DB 50x5x3 each side
Step ups, 1 arm DB 50x5x3 each side
56 drill 80x5x3 each side
Good Mornings 135x5x3
Superman hold 15 sec x 3, I used reverse hyper machine

I feel GREAT!

I start my next class tomorrow. Principles of Accounting, yeah. :|
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